The Shining

Bugsy the Shiny Bug (pencil, watercolor, waterbrush)
I found this great picture of a beetle at M.E. Smirnov - photos of exotic scarab beetles (Scarabaeidae) I chose this particular beetle because of the shiny armor it had. The colors changed a bit when I printed the picture, but I only noticed it when I was done. The aim of this project was to find out if I could use watercolors to imitate the shining and the texture of the shield. Well, it took me few hours, but I was quite happy with the result. Maybe I was even too happy, because I didn't make any background for this cutie. I just decided that it was ready.

First I made a drawing with a pencil and then started adding color layer by layer. I think I made about ten layers for some parts of the shield. So this is perhaps not the best project for an impatient person, but it was a really educational one. Also, my students are always wondering my interest towards insects and they are bored with the bug-related assignments I give them. I think I kind of owed this one for them.

What a Day to Visit a Woodshed!

In a Woodshed (black fine liner, watercolor, waterbrush)
I was visiting my parents few days ago and decided to go outside to paint something, because the weather was quite nice, only a light rain and three degrees Celcius.. Somehow I ended up in a woodshed making a sketch of logs. It was interesting, but as it seemed, possible to draw and paint with your gloves on. I also tried out my new Derwent water brushes that I found the day before. The brushes have their own water container which was very convenient as I was outside without any water source.
I had to work quickly and take a break to warm up, but it was still nice and the end result is ok. The water brushes worked perfectly and I can recommend them to everyone who likes to use watercolors.

My Heart Beats for You

Valentine's Day(pencil, black fine liner, acrylic paint, felt tip pen)
So I didn't send any Valentine's Day cards either.. But I drew this picture of a heart instead. I used an old background made with a sponge and acrylic paints because I thought that the colors were just perfect for this occasion. And what could be a better topic than a heart? I drew it from a picture ( with a pencil and then continued working with fine liner and a felt tip pen until I was ready.

With this picture I want to wish everybody a wonderful Valentine's Day!
With heartfelt regards, Anni <3