A Hard Working Builder Wanted

My Future Summer Cottage(pencil, watercolor, water mister, salt)
I made the background for this spread earlier, because I felt like I needed to splash some watercolors. Those small patterns up in the sky are made with salt. The salt absorbs some of the water and creates  interesting shapes to the color.

Later I came up with an idea that I wanted to draw some kind of a building. And not a very realistic one. I wanted the drawing to look like it's from a fairy tale. I started by looking a lot of pictures of different buildings. I like to do some research before I start to draw so the different things I add look more credible. First I drew a high house on the other page, but then I decided to add more parts and make it even higher. Finally I used the whole spread for this project.

I think I have to do some more buildings, because it was so much fun to draw. Big part of the fun was to imagine who lives there. I think I could.